Episode 13
C.A. Baracus
September 4th, 2020
27 mins 41 secs
About this Episode
Opportunity: monetize the admittedly thin line between jape and assault.
There's a party in the boy's room, and you're invited.
Your Scoutmaster is here to encourage wholesome habits and gently dissuade you from doing your business in a swim suit.
So, c'mon in.
(Be sure to check out the YouTube video via this episode's show notes. It's way better that way.)
Episode Links
- You Look Nice Today - YouTube — Please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel.
- C.A. Baracus - YouTube
- Josh's Frogs - Largest online herps feeders and reptile supplies store — The man sells some good-ass hornworms.
- B.A. Baracus | The A-Team Wiki | Fandom — Of this fact the Team is often overcome by other members of the team drugging him, knocking him unconscious, or, as in one episode, hypnotizing him, so he can be transported without objection.
- History of Ridgewood High School, Pasco County, Florida — The building, designed by Rowe Holmes Associates of Tampa, cost $3.2 million to construct. CM Associates, Inc., a Texas-based construction management firm, supervised the construction.
- Camp Tuckahoe – New Birth of Freedom Council, BSA — Summer camp is the high point of the Scouting year.
- Fear of Needles: The Fatal Phobia - PharmaJet — Trypanophobia, fear of needles, also known as needle phobia, is the extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles.